Selfie...No Upside Down Crowns

Published on 9 July 2024 at 16:16


Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in…” 1 Peter 3:3

Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit…” 1 Corinthians 7:35

So how many times have you gone through something and then realized, it could have been avoided? How many times have you made a decision on impulse, and ended up regretting it later? How many times have you settled for something out of convenience, only to realize that you have potentially put a delay in your own path. When was the last time you actually took the time to know you, and what you stood for? Do you have standards in place? I hope so! If not, it’s not too late. At some point in all of our lives we have done one or another of the above, maybe a few, maybe even all of them! That’s my story, but it wasn’t the whole story; I decided to turn the pen over to God, after all He’s the best selling Author of all time; the possibilities with Him are limitless, have Your way God!

God showed me one day that I was just simply living my life all the way WRONG! He showed me I was a daughter of His majesty but I’d been wearing my crown the wrong way for quite some time; UPSIDE DOWN

He showed me that wearing your crown upside down means that you’re settling for less and not fully living up to the potential that He has for you…

Obsessed with clothes and my outward appearance, God could not have been pleased with me. I took more time to make sure I had my “stuff” together but I was just a made up mess…just being honest!

Even after I got saved it still took me a while to realize what true inner beauty was all about. God called me His daughter but I didn’t act like it. I never dealt with anything that bothered me, I always concealed and I never allowed God to heal me….UNTIL I continued to go through a habitual pattern; ran through friends, relationships, even jobs…WHY?


I’ll tell you why…

It was because I tried to cover up everything that was shaping me and molding me into the woman that I was to become….tough cookie to chew but thankfully God handed me some humble milk to go with it.

Now don’t get me wrong, beauty on the outside is wonderful, but it is what comes from within that cultivates and attracts, it is what draws people to you….If you’re beautiful on the outside and you’re ugly within then you’re just ugly…period…harsh maybe, but whatever it takes to get you to look at yourself and ultimately change for the better.

I saw it this way; who wants to be around the most beautiful woman in the world if her attitude is jacked up…?!

I found that person to be me. If anyone got too close, they would see the make up and the fine adorning was just a mirage. I didn’t know how to deal with me.

I wondered how could I possibly let go of all the things I had balled up for years. Before and after I came to Jesus. I had to deal with that….mainly because there is no way you be called and get something accomplished in God’s kingdom faking it.

I wondered why none of the relationships I entered thinking…”this could be the one” never worked out; it was because I never took the time to get to know ME. Sometimes when you get to know you it’s not always pretty. BUT IT’S OK! When you come to the realization that something needs to be changed you allow God to take you through a process. Allow God to do the shaping and the molding, He will show you what He delights in. If you look into a mirror and don’t like what you see it isn’t because you’re unattractive or flawed, it’s because there’s an unbalance somewhere and God is that balance if we take a hold of Him. He’s the only one who can take our insecurities, emotions, and flaws and trade them in for what He calls true beauty.

God showed me every time that I settled it was because I was not aware of my worth and value and I was AFRAID. Afraid that this would be the only chance I had like time was running out at my age. I felt like I was pushed for time, not realizing that when God is in the mix, He has the power to make up for what you call lost time! Time does not matter to God, He is the Author of time. He can pause it, flip it, and reverse it if He has to. If He says you have then you have time.

Crowns are symbolic of royalty. God gave us each a crown when we were born and it was enhanced when we were born again. Some of our crowns take time some getting adjusted to; they may need to be adjusted but they are never to be worn upside down:

If you are always in your feelings about something it shows that you have a lack of faith in trusting God instead of your flesh. God showed me that my emotions always leave me in the same place and they ultimately get me no where, and while everything else is evolving around you, you will find yourself in a stuck place.

Deal with the things that make you feel inadequate and cause you to compare yourself to others–Psalms 139:14 says that you’re fearfully and wonderfully made and you’re designed the way God saw you in His image. That gives you all the validation and security that you need. NEVER compare yourself to ANYONE!


Give yourself time to grow in God’s grace, you can’t rush His grace because It gives you the ability to do what you cannot do on you own.

God told me to stop wearing my crown upside down, never to settle for anything in life and to continue to move forward. If you find yourself wearing your crown upside down; adjust it and keep it moving. While you are waiting in the meantime take a look on the inside of yourself  and work on you, FOR YOU! Take care of you, love on you! Allow God to fix whatever needs to be fixed; whether it’s a nasty attitude or poor self management. The mind setbacks or the unknowing or unwillingness to be filled by God. Let Him cultivate in you a place for Him to dwell. There is so much going on the inside and it’s far too valuable to let it go any further. A selfie can capture your outer beauty and the fact that physically you have it going on, but the inside, your heart, soul, and spirit are the most valuable. No picture can capture that.

I did this and it helped me:

Write down what you love about yourself and what you don’t like about yourself…

What have you done to cultivate the thing that you love about yourself, in other words, what are you doing to enhance it?

What have you done to try and “fix” what you don’t like?

Do you feel like you’re living your full God given potential? In the meantime, how can you be sure that you’re living up to your God given potential?

Do you feel like you’ve got it all together?

Don’t let anything cause you to wear your crown upside down or the wrong way. Don’t take your crown off for anyone. God has adorned you with royalty and nothing can separate you from what He has ordained. Help out your sister if you see her wearing her crown the wrong way, don’t talk about her, or single her out. There is One King but He has room for all of us. Queen up, and remember.

Don’t spend more time working on your selfie that you neglect working on YOURSELF! No Upside Down Crowns!

I love you!


Prophetess Shere


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